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204,746,300 reach |
Published Jun 28, 2020
The global pandemic has hit economies and corporations harder than ever before. Most recently, Chesapeake Energy Corporation has become the largest oil-and-gas company that has filed for bankruptcy protection. This comes as there is a significant decrease in energy and oil prices due to more supply and not enough demand due to the global stay-at-home orders.
Los Angeles Times
36,151,375 reach |
Published Jun 25, 2020
The inequality between energy distribution within Americans is slowly being revealed, much like the other sectors of inequality being exposed during this turbulent time in the United States. Recent data based on the city of Los Angeles analyzed that those in "disadvantaged communities" use half the amount of energy as wealthier communities.
Published Jun 24, 2020
Wells Fargo has been very successful at meeting all of it's "annual global electricity requirements" since implementing renewable energy in 2017. Recently, the corporation has further invested into clean energy which will allow for the development of solar installations in many countries.
Business Insider
93,909,689 reach |
Published Jun 24, 2020
As the global pandemic progresses changes are constantly being made, from lifestyle to economies and more. There has been a surprising increase in the investment of specific sectors, such as digital payments, renewable energy, technology, and even robotics. When it comes to the renewable energy sector, specifically in the UK, there's a hope of "targeting net zero carbon emissions by 2050".
US News & World Report
29,123,466 reach |
Published Jun 23, 2020
In order to effectively cut the amount of greenhouse gas emissions, it's imperative that industries and corporations are working to make buildings more energy efficient. As it is a growing trend, there has been the implementaiton of "building performance standards" which requires specific buildings to meet a "energy efficient standard".
Policy & Regulatory News |  |
The Hill
33,464,718 reach |
Published Jun 23, 2020
Recent studies have found a significant amount of energy disparities between black and white households. These disparities stem from a history of "discriminatory housing policy" which unfortunately allows for a disproportionate distribution of resources from energy, pollution exposure and more.
Published Jun 23, 2020
Expenses for energy related costs within different households have proven to be completely different when it comes to race. A recent analysis from Census Bureau data demonstrates how the inequality in the distribution of resources coupled with changes in any energy policy will increase the costs more so for Black households than white.
The Hill
33,464,718 reach |
Published Jun 18, 2020
Since the global pandemic started there has been a significant decrease in the emission of greenhouse gases due to the drastic drop in the movement of humans as a whole. Policy makers are having to make decisions in a short period of time to come up with plans for how to continue this reduction while mainitaining both an environmental and econonmic balance.
The Hill
33,464,718 reach |
Published Jun 18, 2020
As natural gas easily passed coal to become the leader in generating electricity in the US combined with the reduction in the demand of power due to the global pandemic, coal has reduced it's utilization as a source of energy. Regulations have prevented new coal facilities to be made and according to the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, "Coal and nuclear need to be properly compensated to recognize the value they provide to the system … and should be recognized as an essential part of the fuel mix."
49,669,271 reach |
Published Jun 18, 2020
The result of decreasing carbon emissions and major government spending can consequently lead to the achievement of the 2015 Paris climate change agreement. A new special edition of the International Energy Agency's World Energy Outlook looks at 30 different policies that could potentially help the world bounce back from the COVID-19 economy while helping generate growth in a climate-safe way.
Environmental News |  |
The Washington Post
84,894,651 reach |
Published Jun 22, 2020
Plans for the first freshwater wind farm in the US have been halted after many were concerned with the idea that it could harm the surrounding environment, flying birds in particular. This halt further goes to showcase how many projects in the energy sector are often stopped due to greater environmental concerns.
The Guardian
121,095,365 reach |
Published Jun 22, 2020
In America's race to gain inexpensive and renewable energy there's been quite a few flaws, one of them being the unintentional destruction of the Canadian environment. The hunger to achieve this clean energy has caused for Canada's traditional hunting lands to suffer exponentially with long term environmental damages.
Fox News
72,378,209 reach |
Published Jun 20, 2020
While the recent global pandemic has caused for the American economy to shutdown and for millions to suffer, on the other hand it has actually allowed for the environment to slowly begin to recover as the "U.S. Energy Information Administration estimates U.S. emissions could decline by more than 14 percent this year". The flipside is that it doesn't necessarily help aid with the overall environmental goal of the UN in decreasing global emissions by almost 8%.
| International
40,932,374 reach |
Published Jun 18, 2020
The International Energy Agency is asking for governments to pool together and invest in about $3 trillion to aid in a environmental recovery amidst the coronavirus global pandemic. This comes as global emissions began to decline with the pandemic, even though they are slowly rising again with economies reopening but the IEA is confident that this investment can help improve economies and the environment.
The Guardian
121,095,365 reach |
Published Jun 18, 2020
Fatih Birol, executive director of the International Energy Agency describes how the world has within 6 months to change the course of further climate problems as there is to be a significant rebound, greater than ever before. While there has been great strides in the decrease of emissions lately, it doesn't hide the fact that climate change can and very may will only get worse post-pandemic.